A Day in a Life of a 6th Grader- a photo story by Nolan Bohannon and Josiah Hornacek

Group Work, Is it Beneficial or Not?
Annabelle Sirko
April, 2024
Your Social Studies classroom is loud and filled with chattering voices; however, the room next door is almost silent with an occasional whisper. Your class is working with groups for a large project; next door, the students are completing a set of questions independently. Some students might find that the loud and busy environment makes tasks easier, but many others would rather work alone. Does being in groups vs. being solo have any effect on your work? Whether group work is beneficial or ineffective has been a debate among students and teachers for decades, and the students and staff at Lincoln Middle School have their personal beliefs about this topic.
Research collected at Dartmouth Center for the Advancement of Learning concluded that 73% of students would prefer to collaborate in groups, (dcal.dartmouth.edu). The variety of things to work on with a group is nearly endless, allowing lots of variety for students. While some people might enjoy creating a PowerPoint with peers, others might find working on a sheet of problems more comfortable in a group setting. An example of this would be that Aniyah, a student at Lincoln, would prefer to work in groups when creating artwork. She stated, “It is easier to focus and add creative touches when working in a group.” Brittle
Presentations with multiple parts are also common when working with others. On the other hand, worksheets are still a personal favorite for many teachers and students. This would be the case for a 6th grade science teacher at Lincoln. “It makes things easier in order for every student to participate,” says Ms. Boyer. Being able to collaborate with your peers has shown favorable perks. Imagine yourself participating in an organized debate for discussion with your classmates. Would you think there may be beneficial parts to this activity? Data from studies conducted has shown that when debating and discussing with peers, your understanding of a topic is increased (oxfordlearning.org). It is increased due to being able to have organized collaboration, which typically will help a certain topic “soak in” more.
In certain situations, whether your teacher chooses groups, or they are assembled by you and other students, can also influence your working environment. Visualize your teacher sorting people into groups. You are arranged into a group with people you don’t socialize with often. This would create a setting where your work might be done faster, or in a more productive way. Your reaction to being placed with a newer group of peers would happen because you would not feel nearly as inclined to socialize with these people in a way that you would if it was a group with your best friends. The opposite may occur if you’re grouped with friends; your group may talk and socialize more, and not be as focused on your final work.
In conclusion, working in a group can, and will, have benefits along with some downsides. However, being able to work both alone and with others is a necessity when it comes to life skills. Even though everyone may have their own preferred methods, in the end, we should all learn how to use both.

In the photo above, students are working on a Social Studies project in Mr. Ogden’s class at Lincoln Middle School. From left to right: Saaya, Annaleigh, Peyton, Abigail, and Carson.
Hobbies And Jobs You
Need to Become Rich
Nolan Bohannon and
Josiah Hornacek
April, 2024
“Get off those video games right now!” most parents often demand. Did you know that video games can help you become a surgeon or a doctor? Believe it or not, art and many other hobbies can help people earn the degree and develop the skills needed to find a job that will make a lot of money.
According to U.S. News and World Report, these are the top five highest paying jobs today. Number one is tied with two other jobs including an obstetrician and gynecologist, oral and maxillofacial surgeon and an anesthesiologist; these careers average at a whopping $239,200. Number two is a psychiatrist at $226,880, and at number three, we have a nurse anesthetist at $203,090. Next at number 4, we have a pediatrician, at $190,350, and last but not least at number 5, we have an orthodontist at $174,360 (money.usnews.com).
At the middle school age, some students already have a dream about their future careers. Adam S, a 6th grade student at Lincoln Middle School, said he wants to be a construction worker, and in his free time he likes to play video games and play outside with his friends. Surprisingly, these hobbies of his can help him get used to the weather and have a steady hand just in case if he’s placing something important on the site.
Anna H, another student from Lincoln Middle School, said that she wants to be an interior designer and wants to be moderately rich when she’s older. Some hobbies that Anna enjoys are playing the violin and participating in Act One, the school’s performing arts club. She also likes to go to school and talk to her friends. These hobbies can help her become an interior designer because when you talk to your friend, they can give you ideas about what you can do and give you some design ideas.
Alex M, also a 6th grade student at Lincoln Middle Schol, said that he wants to be a pretty rich youtuber when he grows up, and some hobbies that Alex likes to do are playing board/ video games. These hobbies can help him become a youtuber because most youtubers play and stream video games. These hobbies can help Alex with his youtuber career because most youtubers play games and stream them, so Alex is warming up to become one of the best streamers in the world.
I bet you didn’t know that video games can help you get a job. “Video games require hand-eye coordination, using both hands and multiple fingers, as well as spatial awareness and adaptability” (dentistrybydery.com). An oral surgeon is one of the top five highest paying jobs, so keep playing those games! There are many other hobbies that can also help you get a job including exercise, painting, and more. “Any occupation that requires precision and dexterity can be helpful in developing hand skills, and playing musical instruments definitely fits the bill,” (dentistrybydery.com).
Now that you know these new facts, you should get started on those hobbies and start working hard to get that job of yours so you can become rich!

The above picture was taken from anningfinancial.com/children-and-money-give-an-allowance-get-out-of-the-way/. This photo can show how happy people can get when they get their first pay check or allowance, no matter the age.