One of the most popular brands in the last few years has been Lululemon, known for their athletic wear, accessories, and prices. The reason prices are such a controversy is because of how expensive they are. Some people think it is worth the money, and continue to buy it, while others believe it is not worth it. Over the last few days, I went around asking people about their thoughts on Lululemon.
I interviewed 10 girls and 7 out of 10 gave mixed reviews. Student 1 gave a very good review, and Student 2 said they didn’t like it very much. When I asked more from the people who were giving mixed reviews, they responded that they didn’t like the prices, or that they didn’t know how to feel about some of the clothing. “I like the clothes a lot, but I also hate how much it costs for a pair of shorts, or a shirt”, said one of the girls who gave a mixed review.
Next, I wanted to know what items they liked, and the top 3 most popular items were: leggings, shorts, and scubas. The top 3 least popular items were some types of big coat, skirts, and loose tank tops.
Although some people were on the fence about it, a girl who gave the highest review said she liked everything she had ever gotten from there and would continue buying from Lululemon. I then asked the 2 girls who didn’t like it why they didn’t like it, they both gave similar answers which was that the prices were just too much for what the clothes looked like. They said, “Most of the clothes are ugly to me and I don’t want to pay a ridiculous amount of money for something that isn’t that cute.”
Overall, it really depends on what fabric you like, the money you’re willing to pay, and if you would rather have the brand name or not. It is a good option for people who like more thin athletic wear and are okay with spending money on it.